For Those of You About to Rock

Nukes and I played Rock Band pretty much all day long. It is officially the best game ever. The drums are the hardest instrument because you’re actually playing drums as opposed to pretending to strum a guitar. I need a lot more practice if our band, The United Hobolition, is to make it to the top. I found the bass guitar very satisfying and backed Nukes up with some groovy strumming. The customization features are insane, a mini game to get lost in. I must have this game.

Oh yes, it will be mine.

3 Comments on "For Those of You About to Rock"

  1. Will says:

    Hey Drey!

    I’m so happy your game is an unmitigated success! I am a daily reader now (and by daily I mean I’ve read for the one day I’ve known of your blog) so it will be nice to hear about what’s going on in your life! You actually play drums in this game???? (*runs to Best Buy to buy game so that he can, in some way or another, pretend he is Dave Grohl*)!

    Will (from the GeeksOn Forums)

  2. Drey says:

    While I am optimistic about House of Whack, it is still too early to call it an unmitigated success! 🙂

    Yes, the drums in Rock Band are really challenging. If you play on Easy, you are essentially playing a fraction of the beats. On normal, you are playing an easier version of what the real drummer would play. On Hard, you are playing pretty much exactly what the drummer in the song plays. On extreme, you are playing what drum gods play.

    If you see Rock Band somewhere, grab it. It has been selling out. I can’t afford my own copy yet, but soon…

  3. Me says:

    I am so fucking jealous.. 🙁

    I want to play….I would so hitchhike to Texas just to play this with you lmao.

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